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Epiphany. Revelation. Or better yet another stroke of lightning, the kind that leave you a little 'drunk and confused', because you never think the record would go in this way. In short, the cover is very exciting, our four tuscany components have the appearance of pseudo-metallers, the almost total anonymity of the band does not bode well ... and yet here we are, yet another epiphany rock. This Will Be The Way Things are a band devoted to a dark rock, underground, with heavy influences proto-punk Stooges and bursts of guitar playing hard Seventies. Time away from the rock outbursts hardcore-punk in the Eighties as they went, lysergic schitarrate with a wah-wah Hendrix / ashetoniano, voice suffered by Iggy less psychotic, solid bass and bouncy ... every track on the disc has at least a riff that is easily remembered (although sometimes slightly derivative, but if by "derivative" we mean something that reminds of the Stooges from 1969 to 1970, well ... long live the derivative, for god).

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